

May 12, 2023

High Fire Season Preparedness and Response Levels Declared in Santa Barbara County

When ever I take a drive along hwy 192 through Montecito, and see the thick brush and tree cover spanning most of the community, I always wonder IF the fire department ever requires that property owners thin out all of this highly combustive material. This all acts as a "fire bridge" that helps the fire spread from property to property and raises the risk of entire communities being wiped out.IS this something that the fire department needs to get aggressive about or do we just accept the factthat homeowners in these areas will never be able to get traditional fire insurance again and just have to accept that they will get burned out every 20 years or so as temperatures are rising and the fuel load is not being well managed by anyone?? Isn't protecting the community a large part of what governmental entities are supposed to be about? Is it time to get more aggressive about making landowners more compliant and work together to reduce some of the fire risk in our communities??