

Jul 21, 2023

Ionic Air Purifiers or UV Air Scrubbers: Which is Better?

ByStaff|onMay 22, 2020

When considering air purifiers—indoor air quality (IAQ) systems that specifically handle pathogens, mold spore, and odors—there are two types for your consideration. These are UV air purifiers and ionic air purifiers.

How are these systems Different in the way they work?

There is a lot of science behind either of these devices, but to keep it simple, here are the basics.

An ionic air purifier cycles air through the HVAC system and adds an electromagnetic charge to the particles that flow in. These charged particles float back into the home and are eventually cycled back to the ionizer where they will be captured and filtered. To make it easy, you can basically think of an ionizer as a big particle magnet, trying to collect and hold onto harmful particles like dust and mold.

UV air purifiers work a bit differently. These systems are installed in ducts, usually near the HVAC unit, and clean the air as it moves through. The UV light (specifically using the wavelength UV-C) mimics the antimicrobial power of sunlight. This system, instead of attempting to filter out previously charged particles that were released and recaptured later, essentially eradicates mold spore and pathogens completely on the spot.

Why is UV Better?

When evaluating devices that remove mold and bacteria, two of many prevalent contaminants of indoor air, you want to be sure you are getting the best possible solution. Out of the two types presented in this article, we recommend UV air purifiers. Here are a couple of reasons for that:

1. Eliminate versus contain. The way the ionic purifier works is kind of like a filter, trying to grab and contain some small particles. But the UV light takes it a step further, aiming to eliminate. This means no filter changing, and no risk of things getting past the purifier.

2. Less problems with ozone. Both systems can generate ozone, a potentially harmful substance. However, UV light systems produce far less of it by nature, and most modern UV light systems are also designed to remove it. The UV system we use emits NO OZONE.

Member of the Yavapai County Contractors Association and HomeAdvisor Elite Service.

In the end, we simply say UV light is better, and the technology has gone farther in solving problems and achieving its goals. For the absolute best results, and the cleanest, healthiest air for your home, we suggest an electronic air filtration system, which replaces your standard air filter, and a UV light air purifier. This combination is immensely powerful and will ensure that all harmful particles and allergens are captured and cleared before the air is sent back into your home again.

Articles in Ideal Living are made possible by Ability Remodeling of Prescott, AZ.

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How are these systems Different in the way they work? Why is UV Better?