

Dec 30, 2023

Isolated storms possible as ozone alert issued for San Antonio today

Rainfall pools at the intersection of Broadway Street and McCullough Avenue on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, in downtown.

Areas of San Antonio experienced heavy downpours Tuesday, and the chance for isolated storms continues today, according to the Emily Heller, a forecaster with the National Weather Service.

The chance for rain is strongest in the afternoon hours, but the rest of the week is likely to stay dry.

"This is just your typical afternoon thunderstorm due to the heat of the day," Heller said about Tuesday's rain. "The recent storms have been coming up fast and coming down fast."

Heat, plus moisture in the air, are creating "pop-up thunderstorms," Heller noted.

Rising temperatures also are contributing to ground-level ozone in the San Antonio area. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality issued an Ozone Action Day alert for the area today.

Ground-level ozone, a pollutant that can be harmful to those with sensitive respiratory systems, can be created by emissions from gas-powered engines. To prevent ozone pollution, the TCEQ recommends you carpool, ride a bicycle or avoid idling your car's engine in drive-thru lanes.

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